So usually I love 21 Day Fix- it has been a life changing, program that has helped my family go from a SAD (standard American diet) to a healthier lifestyle.
Okay so after doing many rounds of 21 Day fix, my results have come to a screeching halt. When you stil have 50 pounds to lose it can be discouraging and *sometimes* can lead to you giving up or throwing your hands in the air at your unrewarded efforts- even half way through a program.
I can also admit, that I am controlled by the scale- each week of poor results leads to discouragement and I revert to old habits and that my friends, leads to that regretful *but so very delicious* downward-spiralling cupcake. I am my own worst enemy.
So, the moral of this story, is after defeating myself each week, I have finally had enough- enough of this roller coaster- this is my fresh start. I feel the only way to really feel accountable is to tell people. I will be joining a challenge group and documenting my results and journey for the next 30 days. Meal plans, recipes, transformation photos, documenting each step and day in the process. I hope this information will help someone starting a new program or stuck in a rut after many months.
I don't know about you, but when I start a new program (which is often), I want to know EVERY single detail about their journey. What program did you do? What did you eat? 3 carrots or 4? I want to know EXACLTY how to achieve their results. So, here I am documenting my results while following P90x3 nutritional plan and Lean workout plan.
Now, there may be a few people who read this and say "people are all unique, and no two people will get the same results- there are so many contributing factors." You know what, I agree- it took me a LONG time to step away from my coach's success and her process and find something that worked for ME.
So if this sounds familiar or you are wanting some meal plans, recipes or results from little ol me- then these posts are for you.
So, whenever you start a new program or journey- document yourself. Measure, take pictures, take a fit test if suggested, jot down a few feelings, reasons why you want to change or hang that "dream" outfit up so you have something to work towards in case your journey or diet waivers.. Create a dream or motivation board to keep you on track ! My before and current picture after a few months of changing my lifestyle but still enjoying myself during seasonal get togethers. Left: 191 lbs- unhappy with myself. The right- my current weight- 170 lbs- getting happier with my progress and really digging the lifestyle change and FRESH food.
If you need additional help, feel free to reach out to me. Even if you have a coach, are a coach or don't have a coach, I would be happy to answer any questions you have about my journey to help you with yours, your challengers or someone who may like a recipe :)
Okay so on with the show- 90 days is nothing- we got this :) Tomorrow we talk about my meal plan, how I plan my husbands- AND even our kids ;)
Myranda <3
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